Riech Cruz, pronounced like rich, was born in the borough of Brooklyn, New York, but spent much of her formative years in Southeast Texas. From a young age, Riech exhibited a profound passion for writing, which began at the tender age of eight. She filled the pages of her stapled together journals, affectionately titled My Book, with reflections on personal struggles, the emotional turmoil of her parents' divorce, and the imaginative worlds that danced in her mind.
As a teenager, Riech's writing took a more focused direction, fixating on the adventures of a fictional fighter pilot named Ace Shepherd and his squadron. Armed with a manual typewriter, she would spend countless hours drawing and crafting scenes while listening to music. Some of her favorite artists to write to were Air Supply, Chicago, and Fleetwood Mac. Her writing process was unorthodox; she never adhered to a chronological order, instead allowing the narrative to unfold scene by scene as it appeared in her imagination. The characters she created provided a much-needed escape from reality, and sharing these stories with close friends and family became a therapeutic outlet for her.
Life took Riech on a different path as she married and welcomed children into her life, which inevitably limited her writing time. However, the desire to publish her stories and share them with the world never waned. The tale of Ace Shepherd and his companions remained etched in her mind, waiting for the right moment to be brought back to life.
In a remarkable turn of events, Riech confronted a deep-rooted fear of airplanes and heights, which led her to embark on a new adventure. On April 15, 2020, she took a discovery flight with an instructor, an experience that not only helped her face her fears but also reignited her passion for writing. This newfound love for aviation infused her storytelling with a fresh perspective, deepening the connection she felt with her characters.
Riech's stories often stem from dreams and visions that come to her in the most unexpected moments, sometimes prompting her to pull over on the side of the road to capture a fleeting thought. Her characters resonate with readers, many of whom have expressed their astonishment at how closely they relate to the struggles depicted in her narratives. Riech humbly attributes this connection to divine inspiration, believing that she simply writes what she hears.
"I truly believe that storytelling has the power to heal and connect us. Through 'Trial by Fire,' and the other books in this series, I hope to create a space where readers can see themselves reflected in my characters' struggles and triumphs. I want the readers to know that everyone has a path in life to travel, but they do not have to navigate it alone. The fiery trials we face are what forge us to excel to greatness. From the ashes, we rise and legends are born," says Riech in a recent interview.
As she embarks on this literary journey, Riech Cruz invites readers to join her in exploring the lives of her characters. She hopes that her stories will not only entertain but also provide solace and understanding to those who may be navigating their own challenges.
With a heart full of passion and a pen ready to write, Riech looks forward to sharing her world with readers and hearing their stories in return.